The Who, What and Why of Dad's Keto Kitchen
Who is Dad?
Yes, I am actually a Dad! I fell upon keto over 6 years ago after putting on a good amount of weight (see picture below) and finding myself using a CPAP for sleep apnea (I would stop breathing 56x an hour!). Scans found arthritis in my big toes and even in my back - my sports-induced bursitis was flaring terribly. Suddenly after eliminating inflammatory foods (ahem, carbs), my weight dropped, my sleep apnea was gone and I was running like a 20 year old! In fact, I ran my first half-marathon in April 2018 in just under 2 hours! In a short while, I felt like I shaved years off my life! I still do. To be able to help others feel this way, or just feel better about themselves is the most rewarding thing I have ever felt. Your success stories inspire me daily!
Why Dad's?
Healthy, delicious and convenient! Keto has gained a great amount of popularity recently for weight loss, but it's actually been around since the early 1920's. Weight loss is only one part of why Dad's Keto Kitchen was launched though. To me, it's about being healthier overall and weight "adjustment". Dad's is about flavor, being satiated, awake, alive and avoiding the cardboard flavors we've all been presented when trying to avoid gluten and sugar. Yes, eating healthy CAN taste good! To date, we have offered 148 meals, 61 pizzas, over 150 bakery items (which include 22 unique whoopie pies and 9 cheesecakes!).
Dad's is also about convenience. Our schedules have become so demanding that take out became the only option. Not anymore. Now, Dad's offers you freshly made, perfectly portioned, macro-balanced meals and specialty bakery products at you're fingertips, ready to eat in a couple of minutes. And they're made locally and delivered within 24 hours of being made!
The truth is our body has it's own built-in weight management system. Through poor diets, modified food sources and poor advice from our government, the SAD (Standard American Diet) has caused our bodies to become confused and angry. Insulin spikes, inflammation, digestive issues, Type 2 diabetes...the list goes on. How do you reset your body's management system? Proper diet - good, healthy fats, moderate protein and very low carbs. So many of our health issues are caused by inflammation within our bodies - IBS, arthritis, fatty liver, ulcerative colitis, PCOS, and now even Alzheimer's is considered Type 3 diabetes and is directly tied into insulin resistance. (By the way, did you know cancer can't survive without a sugar source?). So much of this is directly caused by our food intake! Nearly all of the issues we fight today can be cured or managed through better diet and a moderate change in lifestyle. But like your car, we need the right fuel. Think about that.
Am I a doctor or nutritionist? No. In fact, I disagree with most of the doctors and nutritionists out there. I am, however, a Certified Keto and Carnivore coach and have recently joined the Society for Metabolic Health Practitioners, which is overseen by some of the very best professionals in the industry - doctors, nutritionists, and more. Really, though, I am just a guy who loves making fresh, healthy food and helping others become healthier, too. It took me 48 years to find out what I wanted to be when I grew up. Turns out I'm Dad.
Welcome to Dad's Keto Family. Please have a seat at the table. Dinner will be served shortly. Yes, you CAN have dessert! 😉
Christian Leatham
Certified Keto & Carnivore Coach
Member Society for Metabolic Health Professionals
Dad's Keto Kitchen
A division of Innerfit Wellness Group